Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Matt Snow do it yourself Masters Degree

"Through first-class education, a generation marches down the long uncertain road of the future with confidence."
Wynton Marsalis

"I study myself more than any other subject. That is my metaphysics, that is my physics."
Michel de Montaigne

"People need to be made more aware of the need to work at learning how to live because life is so quick and sometimes it goes away too quickly."
Andy Warhol

"If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life."

I'm very glad that i had the opportunity to go through and finish college. With this being said it was a bumpy ride along the way and i actually do not like the corruption and bullshit politics that are hidden within the educational system. My experience is not the ideal or optimal experience but it was a good experience because most of the things that were useful to me i learned inadvertently. All in all i have no regrets. In my opinion if your going to go to college don't go out of desperation go because you have a purpose. Try and find your reason for living and learn how to do it better. Thats the true meaning of going to school that no academic advisor will tell you. Also don't follow the rules because they are slanted and for profit for most of theses organizations. Find out how to use college to live your life better there's no rulebook for that.

I'm currently on Sabbatical from the academic world at the moment. But im constantly trying to find ways to keep my mind stimulated and learn about stuff without worrying about things that i feel are arbitrary like GPA's and grades. I feel sometimes those things seriously get in the way of the educational process and encourages more people to try and cheat instead of learn.

Some of the things that im studying on my own are:
Personal Finance/ Risk Management/ Investment Theory:

In my childhood/teenage years i hated money. I grew up in a society that was and still is very money obsessed. I was raised in an environment where having and spending money determined your opportunity. I didn't grow up with a fundamental understanding of money and didn't really have much of it when i was growing up. Most of the money i came across i had to earn for myself and worked for it to get things done, but it got to a point sometime in college where my perception of money prevented me from going as far as i could academically. Put against this barrier i went into a money oriented major (Economics) to conquer my fear of the money dilemma. I feel this change was a fundamental point because i learned how money works and how useless it is compared to things that are much more important in life like people, respect and purpose. After graduating i study finance on my own because finance is the study of managing risks, conquering fears, and forging opportunities. Money is just a small part of this vast and dynamic subject.

Psychology/ Cognitive Science / Relationship Theory

If i could choose another undergrad major in college i would probably choose psychology. I think the science of the mind is fascinating and healthy for people who want to master their understanding of perception. I like psychology because i believe that in learning how to strengthen and train your cognitive skills that you can cure yourself easily of boredom and unhappiness. You can also try to get into the meanings of why people do the things that they do. I also feel that most people end up in unhappy relationships because they fail to pay attention to the details of human perception.

Philosophy/ Logic / Reason

I used to have a huge beef with philosophy majors. One of my best friends went to school for philosophy and he use to talk peoples ear off and really wear them down sometimes with talking endlessly about philosophical ideas. At the time i didn't understand what you could do with philosophy as a career so i looked at its study as kind of useless. But when i got older i had an urge to read more and found out the reason why philosophy is probably one of the most important majors you can study. It helps you look at things objectively which is a great skill in dealing with just about anything. Philosophy teaches you how to study things. Without it you can possibly be doomed in being aimless for a long time.

Cooking/ Nutrition / Health

A skill that i am really proud of picking up is cooking. I really like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen and hone my culinary skills in making cheap, good, tasting healthy food. I do a lot of research on the food i cook because its hard to just trust anything nowadays plus its fun to experiment. Cooking has given me a strong sense of independence because when i eat the things i make i feel like I'm creating a flavor instead of just consuming food for consumption sake. I look forward to the day when more people can try my cooking.

Music/ Management / Music Business

Music is something that i real love doing whether its performing, listening, or bringing people together in a social/intellectual environment. After studying music theory for a little while i currently feel that the best way to learn to love music is to just involve yourself in it empirically. Thinking to much about music can most often kill the experience sometimes. I believe that music may be one of the key things thats has made me a better listener and a more sensitive person. I believe music is the ultimate social networking tool and i plan to use it as such. Music makes my life timeless.

Whether your in school or not i really encourage people to try and educate themselves and to be more independent thinkers. Whatever you do have a purpose in doing it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thoughts on Reality

"If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things."
Rene Descartes

"All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses."
Friedrich Nietzsche

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
Albert Einstein

Have you ever woken up and found that your surroundings make absolutely no sense? This happens to me all the time. I truly believe that most things in life we experience and that are intellectually imposed on us are merely figments of our imagination. There not real, these are Idealized concepts that we truly want to believe in and would be satisfied if other people believed in them to. These things are spoon fed to us in a myriad of ways. In the Education we're given, in the clothes we wear, in the people we choose to hang out with and even in the food we eat. People play to other peoples perceptions or at least they try to. As human beings we have an ultimate flaw in trying to find a meaning to everything, even things that are not important to us and have no meaning in our existence. Probably the greatest intellectual crime happening today (and this probably has happened for a long time) is that most people allow or depend on other people to think for them. How can you possibly expect to define your life as "real" if you haven't thought about your existence from a relative point of view?

We Live within the confines of idealized concepts. Some sacrifice their entire lives on these concepts and cause themselves a lot of pain that fundamentally they cant explain. But is it worth it to bet your life on ideals that may be false pretenses? What is the determinate for you to have an actual life or lifestyle? I feel that most people fail to answer this question to the best of their ability because of a fear of failure in their beliefs. We either undermine or overvalue our true purpose and often go for the false ideal. But what the hell is reality anyway? Socially if we are truly living in reality why are most peoples actions irrational? I live in a world where people are trained to consume and chase things that they have no reason in pursing. A world without reason and purpose is a world that has no meaning to me, its not real. Its an injustice to yourself to allow other people to think for you. Im going to return to and question this viewpoint often in future blogs.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It all begins and ends with you.......

"Happiness depends upon ourselves. "

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
-Mohandas Gandhi

"A man who as a physical being is always turned toward the outside, thinking that his happiness lies outside him, finally turns inward and discovers that the source is within him."
-Soren Kierkegaard

You are the master of your own destiny. True happiness begins and ends with you. In a world filled with uncertainties and unpredictable people the only thing you can be sure of is that you can trust yourself. If things aren't happening for you, you must become an initiator.

This is what studying things like Finance,Music, Philosophy and most importantly life have taught me. But these things do not necessarily belong to me exclusively
they belong to the individual. In brief Finance and the inventions of Finance are not things to turn people into rich money grubbing hedonists. Finance is ultimately used as a risk management device to help people manage their risk/lives better. Music doesn't give elite people talent. It teaches people to listen to each other while evoking some kind of emotional response from the artist as well as the listener. Philosophy does not produce absolutism it trains the individual how to think and most importantly gives them a greater sense of purpose. Life is something that should be worth living which in my opinion is why we have death, to make life more meaningful.

I feel that today's educational systems are at fault not because of the amount of money pored into a school or a government program but because of people's lack of self motivation. People trust other outside influences more than they trust themselves. School is most definitely an important part of education, but the best education is learning how to trust yourself better first and your environment better second.

Fear, I feel stops more people from getting things done than any kind of physical, economic or emotional barrier. Fear stops people from being intellectual. Fear diminishes the quality of life. You can only truly love someone when you have the absence of fear within yourself. I have learned over time that most often ego is a fragile mask people wear to cover up their fear. I feel more than ever today that people live with a fear of being accepted.

People care too much about what other people think about them and other peoples ideas than they do about themselves. I feel that being completely selfish is not the answer but you must live for yourself as an individual if you truly want to attract good people into your life. You have to plan for your own future. You have to learn how to make yourself happy and what to value. Its a big lie if you expect other people to do this for you.

Lastly taking responsibility for yourself is a key factor. Regretting things are a waste of time and energy. Whether we like it or not we choose the habits we have and the situations were in. It always takes two (sometimes more) to tango. It all begins and ends with you.....

Monday, May 2, 2011

Welcome to the Mind of Matt

Hello World

My name is Matt and i am from Queens, NY. I decided to create these blogs because i feel this a good way of getting my thoughts out on a regular basis. In short i think about a lot of things...... and feel that the purpose of this blog is to ultimately present my ideas objectively. With that being said my ideas NEED to be challenged. For those with virgin eyes i will be swearing every once and a while and I will try to update and include pictures whenever i see fit on my blogs. You'll find out about the many things that i do and what happens around me as time passes. For now i am going to keep this blog short
but welcome to The Mind of Matt.
