Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thoughts on Reality

"If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things."
Rene Descartes

"All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses."
Friedrich Nietzsche

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
Albert Einstein

Have you ever woken up and found that your surroundings make absolutely no sense? This happens to me all the time. I truly believe that most things in life we experience and that are intellectually imposed on us are merely figments of our imagination. There not real, these are Idealized concepts that we truly want to believe in and would be satisfied if other people believed in them to. These things are spoon fed to us in a myriad of ways. In the Education we're given, in the clothes we wear, in the people we choose to hang out with and even in the food we eat. People play to other peoples perceptions or at least they try to. As human beings we have an ultimate flaw in trying to find a meaning to everything, even things that are not important to us and have no meaning in our existence. Probably the greatest intellectual crime happening today (and this probably has happened for a long time) is that most people allow or depend on other people to think for them. How can you possibly expect to define your life as "real" if you haven't thought about your existence from a relative point of view?

We Live within the confines of idealized concepts. Some sacrifice their entire lives on these concepts and cause themselves a lot of pain that fundamentally they cant explain. But is it worth it to bet your life on ideals that may be false pretenses? What is the determinate for you to have an actual life or lifestyle? I feel that most people fail to answer this question to the best of their ability because of a fear of failure in their beliefs. We either undermine or overvalue our true purpose and often go for the false ideal. But what the hell is reality anyway? Socially if we are truly living in reality why are most peoples actions irrational? I live in a world where people are trained to consume and chase things that they have no reason in pursing. A world without reason and purpose is a world that has no meaning to me, its not real. Its an injustice to yourself to allow other people to think for you. Im going to return to and question this viewpoint often in future blogs.

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